
A Letter From Your Bug Guy: September Edition

Green Wing Family –

Can you believe it’s already September?! Summer is sadly coming to an end, school is starting and our 100 degree Florida weather is going down a few notches to a cool 95 degrees. As you gear up for the Fall and pumpkin spice lattes my wife can’t stop talking about, I wanted to share a few pest and lawn care reminders.

For your lawn:
Remember to test and adjust your sprinklers to ensure they’re functioning at their highest level. If your sprinkler is not up to par, it can waste water and cause dry spots in your lawn.

Pest Alert: Sod webworms (the larvae of the small brown moth), rodents, spiders, roaches and ants love this time of year. Be on the lookout and call us if you notice an infestation.

Your bug guy,
Jeff Daniels